Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"Do you trust Me?"...

Being a Hairstylist can be intriguing at times and challenging. Coloring clients hair tends to be my favorite thing to do. I love to create and I love to think outside the box and create new colors by mixing colors together. The challenging part of being a hair colorist is trying to explain to the client how you are going to go about achieving the color that they have chosen. Most clients want to see swatches of color which are my least favorite. I hate swatches. Most of the time they pick a swatch and then have the expectation that that is the exact color that they will end up with! WRONG! Or they see one that I point out and hate it and then think that that is what their hair will look like when I am done...WRONG AGAIN! I tend to tell them to show me pictures of other people's hair color that they like and then work from there. However I always assess what the condition of their hair is, the final look that they want achieved and then I contemplate how to get there.

Alot of times I do what I did today...I ask, "Do you trust me?" client tonight was getting confused with all the questions I was asking her and finally just said..."you do what you think is best, I trust you completely." In the moment that she said that I was hit with a very powerful lesson...I love it when God does that! I was reminded of the battles I have been facing lately, questions of the direction of my life and where God is taking me....wondering what is ahead in my future...does He really know what I desire?...and in that moment, God says to me..."Amy, do you trust Me?"....uuhhh...yyeesss???...was my response at first. It hit me so hard. Just as I look at my client's hair, look at where she wants her hair to be...and then think the process through in my head of how to get there...step by step (I know the steps that will have to be taken even though I can't explain them to her, she wouldn't understand)...and then I ask her..."do you trust me?"

....same with my walk with Christ. God says clearly to me..."Amy, I understand your desires, I understand your questions, I know where your heart desires to be and I know how to get you there. It takes a step by step process and only I know each step you must take to bring you there. I do have your best interest at heart and although you can't understand My thinking and My ways...I do have what is best for you...but it comes down to one thing....Do you trust ME?"
Why is it so hard for me to trust the One Who sees from beginning to end of my life . He has the Big Picture view.

Makes me think of my first trip to Victoria Falls in Livingston, Zambia. I remember walking up to the portion of the falls that was behind our hotel and wow, I had never seen anything like it before. Amazing, powerful beauty. The Falls were so loud so striking, HUGE! The next day however, we took a helicopter ride over the Falls. ok, so what I had seen the previous day was huge, but to rise above the Falls and see the Whole picture...the entire Falls. What I had seen the first day was "1/2 inch of a whole foot" of the Entire Falls. Talk about getting a greater perspective on the bigger picture! What I had seen the first day of the Falls was Huge to me, but the Whole Falls was completely overwhelming. The lesson: I can only see what is right in front of my face when it comes to the big picture of my life. God sees the Beginning to End. (The Whole of Victoria Falls) In order to have understanding, I must rise above the view in front of me (get in the helicopter) and get His perspective on my life.

I must trust completely that He knows what the finished product will look like and although He can't explain the step by step details, He can be trusted!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Tonight I find my heart very anxious. I am not one to worry much...but here lately...I have so much on my heart and on my plate that I find myself worrying when I am preaching to others to trust...I need to eat my own words!

Anxiety is defined as "distress or uneasiness of mind caused by apprehension of danger or misfortune..."

My mind is definitely uneasy tonight and I am looking to the Truth to calm my fears and still my heart...the verse that comes first to my mind is:

Philippians 4:6 "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."

Turn my worries into prayers...and supplications....(a humble and earnest petition...)...with thanksgiving. I am learning that this is one way to change my frame of mind. When I come humbly before God and lay these requests at His feet...I exchange the worries for His peace...His Joy!

Philippians 4:7-9 says..."And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do; and the God of peace shall be with you."

I cling to the words.."which passeth all understanding..." I don't understand many things right now and have a ton of questions...but those questions fade when I go back and consider the person of God. When I "think on these things...". What is true? God is Faithful, He cannot fail, His Word is true, He can be trusted, He will lead me, He has a future planned for my life, He is Love, He is Peace, He is Joy, He is a refuge and strength...the list goes on and on. "Shall keep your hearts and minds..." I think this was written specifically for girls. I need His Peace to keep my heart and my mind. I like how it says "shall keep..." It's a promise!....through Christ Jesus. He is my anchor to hold onto when I don't understand. He keeps my heart and mind at rest. I need to keep my eyes fixed on Him and Him alone. It's when I look around at everything else that I start to be anxious and to fear. My heart longs for peace.

Peace: calm repose, eternal rest, free of strife or discord, harmony in personal relationships especially with God.

That is what my heart desires tonight...peace from the battle that rages inside of me...I repeat the words " and the God of peace shall be with you." One action is required on my part..."do". Do what? the things that i have learned, heard and received. Simple.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

3+ weeks till Peru!!!

3 Weeks from Saturday I will be heading out with 27 others on a mission to Peru! WOW!!! I stand amazed at the power and presence of God! Since my last post...God continues to's not in His nature to not I don't worry...I trust and believe and consider it done! God has provided every penny I have needed....woohoo!!! He is so Faithful...down to the last $100 needed. Dakota mows my lawn for me every week, he is 13 and will be going on this trip with both his parents, Larry and Laci...he came to me and told me that he wanted to contribute to my trip and asked me to not pay him the amount that I still needed...he would mow my lawn for free to cover that...WOW! God is using him to meet my need and at the same time, Dakota is learning that you cannot outgive God! I pray that God overwhelms him with blessings! preparations will be made in the upcoming weeks...I covet your prayers as things are starting to get CRAZY!!! yea!!!! I am so excited as I see God move in the hearts of people! He is going to do some amazing things....keep us in your prayers!
you can check out Childreach Ministries on their website:
Thanks for your prayers!