Monday, July 14, 2008

When Fear and Faith Collide....

I have been wanting to write on here for over a week now, but due to our Internet being down at home, that has not been possible! Last Monday my fear and faith collided big time! I began to get head worms about this trip...asking myself what was I thinking in taking a month off of's it all going to work out? I was in HUGE panic mode! Fear and faith colliding big time! God gently began to remind me....haven't I done this before? Have I not sent you again in 3 weeks time everything paid for? How BIG am I to you? How much do you trust me? I slowly began to calm down. And then that day He used so many people to provide financially for me. Reminding me once more that my faith in Him must stay the same no matter what my circumstances are. He confirmed over and over that this is His plan and He is going to take care of all the details in getting me there! He can be trusted! Praise Him....the journey continues!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Door of Opportunity Awaits.... gets crazy sometimes. Today was a crazy day. In the midst of my "busyness" God has been speaking to me all day today and for once I am listening! All day today (really yesterday seeing as it is 1:50 in the am) I have been reminded of God's promise to me regarding a recent decision to start attending Gateway Church. How I knew I was supposed to change was God showing me in Deuteronomy 28 that when I obey Him, there is blessing, when I disobey...curses. I have to say the last 3 months have been nothing but blessings and open doors of opportunity! Praise God...He is Faithful! The doors of opportunity are so endless when you walk with Him!

My first door of opportunity was to co-lead a missions trip to Chilca, Peru with Gateway Church partnering with ChildReach Ministries. (if you want to read more about our trip in the entirety you can visit and go to the "Trip Updates" for June 7-14 Gateway Church/Livingstones Church.) What a door of opportunity this was for me. It was met with many fears and doubts that I could do it...but I couldn't do it, He did it through me! My joy came in seeing my teammates "get it"! Get what? A vision for the world, a love for people, and a deeper understanding of Who God is and how much He loves them! We even had one guy come to know Christ as His Savior on the trip!!!! WWOOOHOOOO!!! Angels rejoicing! It was such an incredible experience.

The last day of the trip, 2 of the ChildReach leaders approached me and were such a blessing to me. They both pointed out how they saw that Leading in Missions is a gift that God has given to me. Tears were welling up in my eyes as they were talking to me. Confirming over and over that I was in the right place and all that has been building in my life for the last many many years has been a work of Almighty God. I know that I have been called to live a life that is dedicated to helping others come to know Christ and to also lead people in gaining a bigger picture view of what this life is all about. I know that I have been called to mission work and that includes making Christ known wherever I am at whether it is Blue Springs, MO or the farthest corner of the earth where they have yet to hear the name of Jesus. I am called to GO! So to have these 2 men approach me and tell me that they had been watching my life all week and for them to recognize God's gifts in my life was HUGE! They began to offer several options to me to help me get involved deeper in missions and particularly with ChildReach. I have not made any decisions but am prayerfully seeking out what God has for me and am very excited about the opportunity that awaits!

I have also been asked to speak at several different engagements (2 churches and 1 benefit auction) regarding my experiences in missions and how God has personally worked in my life and in the lives of others regarding missions! WOW!!!!

And...the most recent and one opportunity that excites me so much...I have been asked to speak on my trip(s) to Zambia, Africa to an audience of children at my church's Vacation Bible School next week! I am so stoked about this one! To be able to share with children about God's work in another country is an awesome priveledge and blessing and...I choose to dream big...who knows...there may be future missionaries sitting in that audience...that makes my job HUGE...but then is my God! He is so BIG!!! I am so excited to be in this place and I have this overwhelming peace that I am in the right place, I am living my dream and I am exactly where God wants me to be. The best way I can describe it is that I have found the path that has alligned me directly with His plan and His will.
Praise Him!