Raking leaves can be so
theraputic...this afternoon I had some time so I decided to tackle the mound of leaves that are in my front lawn...I have never seen so many leaves! It was very
theraputic for me...I got lost in my thoughts...it was good
excercise but about 20 minutes into it, the
caffiene from my afternoon Starbucks was wearing off and the thought crossed my mind...sure would be nice to have a strong guy doing this job instead of me...my body was wearing out and i am sure the people driving by were thinking..."what is she doing outside right now...it's freezing!" So in the midst of my thinking, the thought came
across my mind of what is said to me time and time again..."you sure are gonna make a great wife some day...you sure are gonna be a good mom....blah blah blah..." What people don't realize is the effect that comments like that have on single people...I know that they mean it well but when that is truly ones hearts desire...it's almost like rubbing salt on a wound...I'm not at all trying to sound ungrateful for where God has me...but then the thought came to me, what's wrong with being a great child of God? great daughter? great sister? great aunt? great friend? great leader? great co-worker? great neighbor? great confidant? great mentor? great servant? great soul-winner? the list went on and on in my head....this is what I want to strive to be great at for these things are what I am now and what I have been created to be. Why wish my life away thinking that I am not fulfilling God's plan just because I am not a "wife or mother" yet? I have the opportunity right now to be great at what He has already made me to be! I refuse to get wrapped up in thinking that my life doesn't count just because I haven't become the things that the world deems as being necessary to be successful or "great". Scripture tells me that to be great in His kingdom, one must learn to be a servant of all....that is what i want to be great at!
by the way...just had to share some pics of my precious
lil Ava girl!

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