Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sweet Spot

Definition of sweet spot: the spot on a club, racket, bat, etc., where a ball is most effectively hit. The words "sweet spot" have been resounding in my heart and mind the last couple of days as I stand in this place. I'm humbled by my God who does have perfect plans for me, for all His children. I keep saying to myself, "is this for real?" and He keeps smiling down on me saying "yes, you're right where I want you to the sweet spot of My plans for you." It's an incredible place to be! I've found myself looking back over the last 6 years of my life and I see (now, though I didn't then) the thread of His master plan weaving in and out of my journey. From the call to missions, in Zambia Africa in seeing a girl (from the states) hosting teams at the airport on that trip and thinking...I'm going to do that some day...(insert my role here now) to being introduced to ChildReach Ministries in 2008 here in Peru and being asked to pray about of God would have a role for me here with them...(He was just setting the stage for right here right now) to Having a picture of me (from my 1st trip to Peru) be used as a marketing tool for what then was a vision called Reach Teams and is now today the MDP: mission discipleship program that I'm privileged to co-lead(who would've ever thought when those marketing post cards were made that where I am today would be the fruition of that being led to sell my house in 2010 to be free to serve more in missions...and it's because of that freedom that I can be here today...I'm telling you when I think about the journey...I get down on my knees and repent of my unbelief in the One Who is the perfect plan Maker for me. Has the road been sweet the entire time? No and I'm not so naive to think that it will ever be disciples of Christ, the path was never easy in Scripture...but even though there has been much pain, some "suffering" and a whole lotta "ummmmm, Lord, Your sure You know what You're doing?"...I wouldn't trade any of it to be in the sweet spot I'm in today. A place where I'm getting to go deeper into Gods Word more than I ever have in my entire life...a place where I getto take the lessons learned on my journey and invest them into he hearts of 7 precious girls who are desiring more of Christ...a place where I get to learn from 3 great leaders of God...a place where I'm getting the love dumped on by precious children...a place where life as I know it was forced to stop so I can hear His still small's a really sweet spot and I'm drinking it all in and my thirst is definitely satisfied by the livin water! As you read this, my greatest prayer is that you would know that God doesn't have favorites...I'm not special by any means...if you are His child, He has a sweet spot of life planned for you too...ASK HIM TODAY! and be ready to get your thirst satisfied too...there is nothing else in this world hat can satisfy like Jesus! Get your glass out and drink up! And don't compare your sweet spot to others' I've learned that everybody's sweet spot is individual to's finding what you were made for, what you were put on this earth to do and then embracing it with both arms...if you don't have a clue what I'm talking about, I'd love to help you find the Answer hat your heart is crying out for...HIS NAME IS JESUS, and He is my Sweet Spot! Amy (


Anonymous said...

Amy- I pray that you and Dave have an incredible summer! Thanks for your obedience and following His heart. You are amazing and I know and believe that you are in the right place at the right time! Blessings to you and the team! Jeff H.

Anonymous said...

I love and miss you! Be a blessing!

Love, Cathy McGaughey

Rachel said...

Although it's Monday now, I was thinking of you Sunday morning as I made my coffee. :) It's a blessing to read your posts. Trusting God's grace, strength and wisdom for you as you serve. Praying! -Rachel