Sunday, May 20, 2012

lessons learned

Ask God to speak (loudly) into your walk. Listen. Be aware of how He speaks, it doesn't always come like you'd think. Open yourself to new opportunities. Seek Scripture. Pay attention when It speaks to you. Stand on It (Scripture). You can trust It. RUN in the way God leads. Don't look back. Say "yes" to Him. Count the cost. Have faith in what you cannot see. Be ready for obstacles. Know how your enemy works. Don't take the bait of defeat or discouragement. Trust God alone when tests come, and they will. Don't just say it, believe that He is Sovereign, and that He really knows what He is doing. Oh, and that He doesn't need your help. Let others journey with never know how He is using you to speak to them. Be selfless. Be humble. Be totally dependant on Him...nothing of self. Confess and repent often. Be right with others. Forgive, even when you're not asked to. Don't leave anything undone. Love one ever regrets reckless faith and love. expect the unexpected...but know God is still over ALL. Let people help you. Be grateful. Surrender. Leave nothing unspoken. Make the most of every minute. Talk bold and loud of what God is doing. Celebrate. Cry. Find rest in His arms. Endure. Choose Him 1st. Be Spirit led. Move when He nudges you and don't ask don't need to know this side of eternity. Follow. Lead. Pray. Worship. Have joy that makes others wonder what's going on inside you. Leave others wanting more of Jesus. (Lessons I have personally learned on my journey to Peru 2012)


Janet Tabler said...

Wishing you a Spirit Filled journey! Praying you touch many lives with the love of Jesus!! (and that those sweet angels touch you, too!)

Peggy Roderick said...

Love you, Amy. I learn so much from you and pray that God continues to guide and keeps you so close to Him.