Wednesday, May 30, 2012

...enjoying the journey

This week has been so full. Full of work, full of laughter, full of joy, full of growth and prayer and let me say...I'm definitely enjoying the journey! It would take too long to write everything down so I will give you bullet point highlights from the last week in Peru: I've enjoyed the journey by: ...Reading so many thoughtful cards and verses of encouragement from home...never underestimate the power of your words or how God can use them! ...memorizing in Spanish and quoting (in front of the children)Jer.29:11...God has a sense of humor, I tell ya! ...learning and growing as a leadership team with Jim and TKay and Dave...God's presence in them is inviting and comforting...I'm learning so much from each of them...and they're bound and determined to get me out of the dark ages with my computer technology (or lack there of). ...evaluating my walk with the Lord...getting things right on a daily basis...basking in His presence, never have I felt more loved by my Father in Heaven. ...enjoying a glass bottle coke from the bodega:) ...getting up early to braid the Chicas hair for school today...loved it! Can't say no to those girls! ...dancing (or trying to, ha!) with the children before and acts dinner! Last night...we were teaching the electric slide and the macarena! (if you know my dancing skills...yah, we will just leave it at that!) ...being able to listen to Joey's (my pastor) messages whole here...keeps homesickness at bay! ...getting to meet my sponsored "niece" ('s) baby niece! She was quite the giggle box! ...experiencing China Town in Lima...seriously felt like I was in a movie! ...enjoying time spent over a meal...full of laughter! at Camino de Vida...worship was awesome! ...having lunch with Kelly and Lisa Guier while they're here for their adoption(s). ...shampooing 11 heads of hair in helping with treatments...loved it! ...quiet mornings spent with TKay...much needed girl talk and God talk! ...meeting new friends from CDV...sharing a meal with them and gettin to spend time with their kiddos (which included holding a 9week old baby all night: heaven on earth! ...being woke up to the laughter of children: priceless! ...using my gifts to get rooms ready and preparing for our team of 7 girls that are arriving in less than 5hours! With that's GO time for why I'm here! Please pray as tonight starts the night of a 8 week discipleship program that Dave and I are co-leading...we expect great things from God alone! He must become greater and greater, I must become lesser and less. Enjoying the journey! Me :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

...simplicity is found in the simple things of life and yet we complicate our lives so much that we truly miss out on what brings true joy. I crave simplicity. I long for it daily when I am at home in the states, and I'm getting to live it to the fullest here (in Peru)and that puts the biggest smile on my face. From the simplicity of meals, to the simplicity of my room and bathroom, to the simplicity of clothing...the simplicity of using a broom and then putting a mop cover over it to have a mop (it's a 2 in 1) here is simple and I'm eating up every minute of it! One of my greatest joys so far has been meal time. For breakfast I have shared some precious mornings over coffee with TKay...just the 2 of us sharing our hearts and praying together...our afternoon meal has been withthe entire family here, and at the end of it the kids (and adults too) have been challenged with memorizing Jeremiah 29:11 in English and Spanish...if you know my story of this journey you will find it no coincidence that that's the verse! There has been so much laughter and joy during that time. Tonight it was so precious to see the older children helping the newer younger girls learn the verses too! Yesterday at lunch it was precious to see the eyes light up when they knew there would be dessert (which happened to be Dave's favorite so I think his eyes were the biggest!) When you walk in the door for any meal the children light up and greet you as if they haven't seen you in a long you know how loved and valued that makes one feel? To be greeted everytime you come into their presence...words can't describe! As I was on my hands and knees tonight waxing a floor that will be my "home" for the next couple of months I found myself overcome with a heart so full. I think part of it stems from living by myself and eating several meals feels so good to share these meals with the family here. To hear the laughter and see the smiles on their's incredible! I want to bottle it all up! So I want to challenge all that are readin this...slow your lives down...make at least one meal time a day a priority for a sacred time with those you love...put petty things aside and greet one another in a way that makes them feel valued and loved...a hug, a kiss...whatever that looks like for you...turn the tv and radio off, the sound of laughter is much more rewarding...commit to using meal time to invest in something eternal like memorizing a verse together as a family...share highs and lows of your day...communicate, know where your loved ones are at in their journey so you can know how to encourage them...enjoy the simplicity of a shared meal...even if that looks like fast food...sit together around a table and thank God for the gift of family...You will never regret the time you spend around that table making memories...I know I won't forget the meals I have shared here...that's for sure!

Monday, May 21, 2012

...a little taste of heaven on earth

…as we pulled into Hannah's last night {or I guess I should say early this morning} one of the 1st things noticed was the size of some fruit trees that my team {last June} helped dig holes for…Jim even said, you won't believe the size of the fruit on them…he was right, when I saw them in the light this morning I was amazed. As I walked down memory lane {the name I am giving the long sidewalk here-if you've been here, you know what I am talking about} this morning I embraced it all…to see a place that has gone from "nothing" to something amazing and to know that there have been and are so many hands that have partnered with God to build it….it's truly humbling. As I looked at the trees that are now tall, strong and bearing GREAT fruit I am reminded that the Bible compares our lives as Followers of Christ to trees-fruit bearing trees. So many names come to my mind of people whose lives have started from just a small tree in the ground and now are growing into HUGE trees that are bearing much fruit for HIs Kingdom. I was able to spend some time with TKay this morning…it was very precious. As we sat there talking over coffee I felt my heart fill up with admiration and great respect for her and her husband. Jim and Tkay are TRUE EXAMPLES of what a modern day disciple of Christ looks like. The exemplify true sacrifice and surrender. They literally have left it all to follow after God's plan for their life. Their life here is so simple…an example of that is TKay's "kitchen" is a hot plate, a small fridge, a simple sink and her cabinet space is plastic shelves in a shower….they use what they have. I found myself CRAVING that simplicity as I washed her dishes in a small sink with trickling water. I don't say all this to make anyone feel guilty for what they have, I say all this to say simplicity is a beautiful peaceful thing. Simplicity is contentment. It's a taste of heaven on earth. It's something I truly believe God wants us all to experience and to invite into our lives. I'm embracing rest today, trying to mend from my pre-trip illness I always seem to get. {thank you for all the prayers!} Rest has been good. I woke up from a snooze to our afternoon meal with the children. Nothing compares to walking down 'memory lane' only to be bombarded by little ones saying…"hermana Amy!!!" and then to be smothered in hugs and kisses…another taste of heaven on earth. All the children made a welcome banner with their hand prints and wrote individual messages to Dave and I to welcome us…absolutely precious! I'm eating it all up! {they want to do a dance for us after dinner tonight…can't wait!} As I am taking time to soak up this day I am reminded of Psalm 1:1-3 Oh, the joys of those who do not
     follow the advice of the wicked,
     or stand around with sinners,
     or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord,
     meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
     bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
     and they prosper in all they do. I want to be that tree that is PLANTED by the riverbank…prospering in all I've been called to do…for when we do that, I truly believe we can experience a little taste of heaven on earth! Resting, ~Amy

Sunday, May 20, 2012

lessons learned

Ask God to speak (loudly) into your walk. Listen. Be aware of how He speaks, it doesn't always come like you'd think. Open yourself to new opportunities. Seek Scripture. Pay attention when It speaks to you. Stand on It (Scripture). You can trust It. RUN in the way God leads. Don't look back. Say "yes" to Him. Count the cost. Have faith in what you cannot see. Be ready for obstacles. Know how your enemy works. Don't take the bait of defeat or discouragement. Trust God alone when tests come, and they will. Don't just say it, believe that He is Sovereign, and that He really knows what He is doing. Oh, and that He doesn't need your help. Let others journey with never know how He is using you to speak to them. Be selfless. Be humble. Be totally dependant on Him...nothing of self. Confess and repent often. Be right with others. Forgive, even when you're not asked to. Don't leave anything undone. Love one ever regrets reckless faith and love. expect the unexpected...but know God is still over ALL. Let people help you. Be grateful. Surrender. Leave nothing unspoken. Make the most of every minute. Talk bold and loud of what God is doing. Celebrate. Cry. Find rest in His arms. Endure. Choose Him 1st. Be Spirit led. Move when He nudges you and don't ask don't need to know this side of eternity. Follow. Lead. Pray. Worship. Have joy that makes others wonder what's going on inside you. Leave others wanting more of Jesus. (Lessons I have personally learned on my journey to Peru 2012)

Friday, May 18, 2012

perfect night heart is so full I really think it might burst! God is so good and always gives just what is needed. Today was my last day at work {for 11 weeks~yikes!} It felt good and weird to flip the pages of my appointment book to August and to pack up things at work. After feeling down right crummy all day {thanks to my usual pre-trip gonna get sick at some point hitting today} I was completely looking forward to a girls night of prayer planned by Laci just for me. It was EXACTLY what I needed. Small, intimate, powerful. I'm so blessed to have TRUE REAL friendships in my life. The ones that listen and move at what the Spirit tells them to do. All day friends were dropping in at the salon, giving cards, hugs and prayers and that filled my heart up. Tonight the ladies surrounded me and I sat there and tears streamed down my face and my heart burst as I heard their heart lifted up to God for this journey for me and for those I will serve with and serve. Humbled and grateful my heart just kept saying Thank You Jesus. Thank You for ALWAYS giving me just what I need, thank You for being faithful. Thank you to everyone who has gone out of their way to show me their love and heart is truly full and I can't wait for all the Love of Christ inside to spill over into the lives I am being sent to. It was a perfect night!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


1 Corinthians 12:12-27

New Living Translation (NLT)

One Body with Many Parts

12 The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. 13 Some of us are Jews, some are Gentiles,[a] some are slaves, and some are free. But we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit.[b]
14 Yes, the body has many different parts, not just one part. 15 If the foot says, “I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand,” that does not make it any less a part of the body. 16 And if the ear says, “I am not part of the body because I am not an eye,” would that make it any less a part of the body? 17 If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything?
18 But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it.19 How strange a body would be if it had only one part! 20 Yes, there are many parts, but only one body. 21 The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.”
22 In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary. 23 And the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care. So we carefully protect those parts that should not be seen, 24 while the more honorable parts do not require this special care. So God has put the body together such that extra honor and care are given to those parts that have less dignity. 25 This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. 26 If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.
27 All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.

I'm reminded of these Scriptures tonight as I reflect on God's provision...I cannot say it God as to what HIS plan for you is...make sure it's HIM leading you...then, watch Him provide. I've seen way too many times {my life included} that we look at the price of what God wants us to do and then the excuses start flooding in...{I can't take off work, that cost too much, seriously, it would be ridiculous for me to do that...} Don't get me wrong, don't misread what I am saying...I'm NOT saying be foolish or a bad steward of what God has given you...what I AM saying is ...ASK HIM what He desires of your life...get CLEAR direction from HIM and when HE says GO...take the leap of faith and watch HIM provide. You won't be disappointed...I guarantee it! {if you want specific stories some time, just ask...I've got plenty to tell of His faithfulness time and time again.} 

Tonight, as I look at my blessings tree that is growing daily, I pray specifically over every name...{and even the names that aren't on there, I KNOW there are friends partnering with me on this prayer, in love, in support}....I ASK God to bless each person...more than they could ask or think...I pray that He shows them HIS faithfulness just as He has used them to show me His faithfulness...I sit here with a heart that is overwhelmed with gratitude.

I'm reminded that I AM NOTHING SPECIAL...I'm no different than any of these names...I'm humbled by so many who have said YES when God prompted them to move...I'm reminded that we All are HIS BODY...and every part of HIS body is important. I think of how each one of these lives are represented in His body...His hands {the client that quickly grabbed my hand yesterday in the midst of the salon to offer up prayer on my behalf and then 5 minutes later got to eye-witness her prayer answered}...I see His eyes {in the friend whose eyes light up with excitement every time she tells me how excited she is for my adventure}...I hear His voice {in the little voices of those who call me Tia/Aunt Amy/Mimi}...I feel the words of His heart {in EVERY sweet letter/card/text/message/email that I have received from SO MANY PEOPLE...I am embraced by HIS LOVE.}...I see His ears {in every family member and friend who has taken the time to listen to my stories...and sincerely want to hear what God is doing in my life}...I have experienced His mind {in ALL the wisdom that has been given by so many}...I see His knees {for every prayer that has been lifted up on my behalf}...and I'm humbled...broken...grateful.

You see, God is using me right now to be His feet...the one that GOes...but I couldn't GO if not for the rest of HIS body that is partnering with me...I couldn't GO if not for HIM using HIS body to provide...and all this does is make me fall to my knees and worship Him...because HE ALONE is worthy of all the praise. He is Provider. He can and will provide...all He wants is for us to say YES to HIS PLAN. I love what the verses below say..."He thought of EVERYTHING, provided for EVERYTHING we could possibly need, letting us in on the plans HE TOOK SUCH DELIGHT IN MAKING." {emphasis mine}. The GOD of this universe, Creator of the world...took delight in making plans for ME! FOR YOU! Don't you wanna know what that is??? Every day??? I sure do!...and with those plans comes provision...don't miss out! Find out what HIS PLANS FOR YOU ARE, say YES to those plans...and watch Him won't regret it!

Ephesians 1:7

The Message (MSG)
 7-10Because of the sacrifice of the Messiah, his blood poured out on the altar of the Cross, we're a free people—free of penalties and punishments chalked up by all our misdeeds. And not just barely free, either. Abundantly free! He thought of everything, provided for everything we could possibly need, letting us in on the plans he took such delight in making. He set it all out before us in Christ, a long-range plan in which everything would be brought together and summed up in him, everything in deepest heaven, everything on planet earth.

{emphasis on Scriptures-mine}

Sunday, May 13, 2012

...the time is NOW.

...when I was praying about this journey to Peru, I KNEW in my heart that I needed God's word to stand on when making the decision to go. I knew I would need it because I KNEW that the journey would not be easy. I sought for Scripture and He gave it to me, and I am so grateful He did because trust me, there have been several times where my enemy will place a seed of doubt {because of a trial of some sort} in my mind and I will immediately up root it because I KNOW God made it very clear to me that I am to GO!  God's word doesn't promise that every step we walk with Him is paved with a perfect life, no problems, no worries. No, but HE does promise that He walks every step with us and that even in hard times, there can be joy. Joy is from HIM alone, not from circumstances.

As I sit here contemplating what lies in front of me and the journey it has been to get here, I feel at rest. I KNOW I'm right where I need to be. Has it an easy road to get there? Not so much...but in every situation, I have personally seen God's hand, I have heard His voice speak stillness over my storms, I have experienced the love and support of the body of Christ in ways I never dreamed...I've been carried by His mighty right hand...and the time is NOW...I am ready to go! {no joke, bags are packed, sitting by the door!}

Sometimes, I focus too much on the difficulties around me, it seems like all there is lately is bad news. It's easy to give in to discouragement and defeat and think that there is no way out of the situation we are in {trust me, I know, this is a test I am still living out to this I going to give in to defeat? or am I going to claim the Scripture I KNOW to be truth and stand in Victory?}...tonight I hear His voice saying...look up, there is hope in every hopeless situation. There is joy in the midst of sorrow. There is peace when the storm is rise up and offer that to this broken world that is hurting. I'm reminded again tonight of the words of my pastor Joey..."live a life of urgency." What does that look like. Tonight it looks like praying for those that are hurting, encouraging the broken hearted, spreading joy and hope to those who have none...{even if it's just a smile and a hello}'s being His hands and His feet, no matter where or who. The time is will they know if no one tells them? We have the most precious gift of all in Jesus...He is all this world needs, whether that is here at my local grocery store, or in a children's home in Peru...and living a life of urgency that ALL would know Him is what I plan to do. 

until the whole world hears,