Can I just say {as my jaw is on the ground} that GOD IS MY PROVIDER! He always has been and HE ALWAYS WILL BE. The words of a song continually echo in my head: "YOU were Faithful before, YOU'LL BE FAITHFUL AGAIN!"
As I wrote in the previous post, I HAD to have Scripture to stand on for this journey. I HAD to know that it was God leading me to do this, not my own desires. I HAD to know because I knew that once I put the money part on paper, my fears would set in...and let me tell you friends, on paper, it looks ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS for me to be stepping foot on the plane! {the ridiculous part I am referring to is being self employed and taking off 11 weeks of work with no pay...:)} BUT, let me say again...GOD IS MY PROVIDER!
I absolutely did NOT want to send out support cards...nope! My pride said..."just work a ton of extra hours, you can do this...you can make it happen!" And then God used one of my clients {thank you Shannon D.} to say..."Amy, if you don't send support cards out, then you are not letting us {others} go on this journey with you, we don't get to have a part". Well, let's just say, God used her words to kick me out of the "provider seat" that I had just gotten quite comfy in. As I was humbled, He was exalted to His proper place.
His provision began, and it has been overwhelming. Every day He has provided something for this journey, and every day I just stand in awe of how He loves. {even today, I had an anonymous very large check in my mailbox-if you're reading this and it's you...thank you!!!} I feel God's love pouring over me through His people. I feel loved and supported by so many people and I visualize every single one of them walking with me as I continue walking out the adventure in front of me. I couldn't do it without God using His people. I have learned that God is unexplainable and quite unpredictable too. I have learned that I don't want to live a life that can be explained or figured out on paper. I want to live a life that says..."yep, this looks absolutely ridiculous on paper, nearly impossible, but NOT with God." I desire to keep taking steps of reckless faith that will hopefully inspire others to walk in reckless faith too in their own journey. I don't want to miss out on 1 thing that He has planned just because my fear stood in the way. I want it ALL!
I decided to make a "countin' my blessings tree" that sits on my coffee table...a daily reminder of God's provision for me, a visual of how God is using HIS body to be a "tree of support" in my life for this journey. I'm so grateful. I cannot even put it into words...
If I could emphasize 1 thing in this post it is...PUT ALL YOUR FAITH IN THE PROVIDER. He desires to do the impossible for you too. He can be trusted...He's been faithful before, He will be Faithful again!
Reckless faith-you'll never regret it!
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