Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm a college student!!!

Well, officially today I am now a college student...took me 12 years to get there! :) Some may say I took the easy way after high school by going to a trade school (cosmetology school)....but I just did what I was led to do and have no regrets from the last 12 years. I have enjoyed the journey so much...I have been exposed to so many new walks of eyes have been opened to a great BIG world that for so long I was sheltered from...I have grown, I have had the opportunity to impact lives...I have seen many lives come to know Christ or come to know Christ in a closer walk...I have had ups and job has given me the opportunity to go places literally that I never dreamed possible...I have my own personal mission field....and I love every minute of it!
However, for the last 5 years God has continually opened so many doors for me to pursue the journey of missions....another journey that I absolutely love. In this journey I have had the opportunity to reach out to others in the medical world....which is something I know very little about but have always been very intrigued by. I enjoy learning new things about the medical world....I have had the opportunities to work in medical clinics and dental clinics...even pulling teeth...and the desire to know more to be able to help more continually grows with every trip I take. 5 years ago after coming home from Africa, I was determined to pursue some type of medical degree...and didn't. This year while in Africa I sensed God's leading me once again to pursue some type of medical training....not to switch careers but to have some knowledge to be able to use on the missions trips that I take....and I was determined this time to do something about it......
I DID! I am going to start by taking an EMT course this spring...a 1 semester class that will give me basic knowledge of emergency medicine...and I am so EXCITED! One of my customers, who also has a mission minded heart...has joined me on this journey! I am a bit nervous...never been to college...but my excitement definitely outweighs the nervousness!!! BRING IT ON! So, as of I come! We'll see where this journey leads! Always an adventure! I am living my dream!!!


Mary Ludwig said...

Congrats!! (and good luck!)

Carolyn said...

HOMEY!!!!!!!!!!! You will do great.. Psalm 16:8.....