Faithful. The word keeps resounding through my head this morning. It's a word I use some what on a daily basis, yet today it has an extra special meaning. defines the word Faithful as "true to one's word, promises or vows. Reliable."
Yep. That's my GOD! He's true to His word...His promises, His vows...HE IS RELIABLE! And today, I saw with my own eyes, HIS FAITHFULNESS.
This particular story of God's Faithfulness began 4+ years ago. I remember sitting at the same kitchen table I sat at this morning. My dear friends, Larry and Laci Thurn had me over with some others to share with us what God was doing in their hearts, how God was stirring their lives to become a part of HIS great plan of adoption. I remember thinking...WOW! How awesome would this be. I remember Larry saying "this is nothing like we had planned for our lives, we're just supposed to make a difference in the life of a child."
4+ years and the wait is finally over. I have seen God's Faithfulness woven like a piece of thread through every step of this journey. I have seen His FAITHFULNESS in provision for the adoption. He's been faithful in all the small and big victories. I have seen HIS faithfulness in the valleys of discouragement and the mountain tops of joy. He's proven He IS RELIABLE, HE ALWAYS delivers what HE HAS promised. His word is true when HE says "if you obey Me, I will bless you..."~Deut. 28 I have seen Him dump truckloads of blessings on this precious family. I even saw His faithfulness in the simplicity of a song playing on the radio yesterday{My God will come through always} as it played as Laci was leaving her last day of see, it was the very same song that was playing the day that Laci got the call that they had finally been placed with a child, coincidence? Absolutely NOT! God's faithfulness? Undeniable!

And today I was reminded once again of HIS FAITHFULNESS as I saw 2 of my best friends off at the airport...going to finally get their daughter. As I drove away from the airport driving straight towards the most beautiful sunrise I heard HIM say..."do you see, Amy, I AM Faithful. It is MY NAME, it is Who I AM, I cannot be anything else." It was as if I had this rewinding take place as I mentally walked through the steps of this journey...His reliability has been at every step. He has NEVER once failed, His timing has been perfect. And in my heart, I felt my own faith take a HUGE step. For this same God is writing my own story, ALL of OUR STORIES and His SAME FAITHFULNESS is weaving in and out of every single detail of our lives. Contrary to the lies we are fed, HE has NOT fallen asleep in writing our story, He hasn't stepped out for a coffee break or gotten side-tracked. HE is however, FULLY AWARE of EVERY detail and HE IS working them out for HIS GLORY and our good, in HIS TIME. I have seen first hand that the wait is WORTH IT.

Romans 8:28
That's why we can be so sure that
every detail in our lives of love for God
is worked into something good.
Wherever you find yourself on your faith journey today, my prayer for all those who read this is that you would KNOW that there is a God Who is Faithful and He desires to prove HIS Faithfulness in every detail of our lives if we will just trust Him with our lives and KNOW that no matter what, He has got it all planned and HE will NEVER fail! I pray that the story He has written for The Thurn Family will inspire you to trust Him with your story. You can follow more of their adoption journey at