To God be the Glory Great things He has done! This is our song as we think of our precious Ava girl. Ava was born to proud parents Brian and Dia Hayward on August 10, 2007. She weighed 8lbs. 13oz. and was 21.5" long. She's a big girl. God brought her into this world via C-section and she was quickly acquainted with her momma and daddy. They are hooked! We all are! She was admitted into the NICU on Sunday morning, 8/12, due to an infection in her lungs and has remained there for a week. A very long week. God has been so good and so gracious every single day. We have watched her make improvements daily and will be coming home very soon! She has brought so much joy to our lives already and we know that God has used this bump in the road to bring His name Glory and to once again, show His awesome power at work in our lives. I praise Him for how He has already used Ava's life to impact the lives of others!